Course Description
What truths rise up for you when you ask yourself if the Court cards speak to you as loudly as the Major Arcana of the rest or the Minor Arcana does? Do you skip over or struggle with incorporating the Court Cards into a reading, especially when you receive more than one in a spread? Do the Court Cards hold you back from reading for others, perhaps even professionally?
You aren't alone! In fact, the Court Cards are the most difficult to learn and interpret, thus leave novices stumped. . .but, you might be shocked to hear that I know of professional readers, who also struggle to a certain degree with the Court Cards, too. The Court Cards are challenging! PERIOD.
You might still be wondering why you should even bother to delve deeper into the Court Cards?
The Tarot is a sacred tool whose medicine seeps into literally every crevasse of life. The sad truth is the medicine of the Court Cards is typically never tapped beyond the surface. . .the Court Cards represent more than people and personality traits. Not fully understanding the Court Cards leaves out 16 unique energetic aspects. . .and 32 if you read the cards in the reversed position!
Do you hear the call to delve into the untapped medicine of the Court Cards: Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages? Are you yearning to connect to the magick of the Elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth?
Embark on a 4.5 month journey through the Elements starting on March 6th, in which sacred space will be held for you to connect with the potent medicine of each Court Card! The course is designed for you to EXPERIENCE and INTUIT the energy of each Court Card and Element. . .and is based on my experience as a Tarot reader and teacher at a metaphysical shop that I worked at for several years. I have also trained with a Metis Elder for a year, who deepened my existing connection to Earth Medicine.
You'll learn how to tap into the magick of the Court Cards and the four Elements through rituals, sound journeys, guided meditations, altar dedications, crystals allies + remedies, the cosmic wheel and other tools. To support your journey, you'll be invited to a weekly live call, in which you can virtually sit in Circle to delve deeper and ask questions. And, yes there will be replays for those who can't attend. When the course draws to a close, you'll not only understand the Court Cards, but you'll have birthed a sacred tool, a wand that represents the four sacred Elements, which will be infused with the medicine of the Tarot.
Do you want to be able to read the Court Cards with confidence without having to memorize meanings? Are you inspired to deepen your understanding? To enrol, click on the BUY button at the top of the page!
You will have lifetime access to the content, including the videos, audios, and worksheets via Thinkific, the online platform used for the course. You don't have to worry about keeping up, as the course can be self-paced. Therefore, you don't have to stress out about meeting deadlines and attending the live calls. You will receive an invitation to join in on the discussion via the BONUS private Facebook group. The course will be delivered via Thinkific, so you don't need to join the Facebook group to access the learning material. The Facebook group is a BONUS!
What you can expect from this course:
- access to new content every Wednesday starting on March 6th
- a sacred space to explore the medicine of each Court Card through your lens
- understand how to use the Court Cards as significators in a reading
- to be able to delve into how the Elements influence each of the sixteen cards of the Court
- explore the personality traits + behaviours of the Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages
- learn about the astrological correspondences and how you can leverage the zodiac to deepen your understanding of Court Card interactions
- prompts that provide you with hands on experience, as you'll practice reading the Court Cards with support + feedback on Thinkific and the Facebook group
- interact with each Court Card and Element through weekly sacred sound journeys and guided meditations
- examine the symbolism of each card
- delve deeper into the medicine and energy of the Court through spreads that are designed to allow the cards and Elements to speak directly to you
- tap into the energy of the Court Cards in the reversed position to help you connect with the shadow medicine of the Tarot
- discover who you are in the Court and the role that you play
- create powerful altars that harness the energy of each Court Card and Element for empowerment
- partake in rituals that create a portal for you to spiral into the medicine of each card and Element
- birth a Tarot wand that embodies the energy of not only the Elements, but also the sixteen cards of the Court
- receive journal prompts that create dialogue between you and the Court Cards
- And, lots of other topics will be covered!
Do you hear the call to connect with the Court Cards and Elements? To enrol, click on the BUY button at the top of the page!
Testimonials from my in person Tarot classes. . .
"I was always intrigued by the Tarot and its mysteries. In 2011, I was divinely guided to take Sharron's Introductory Tarot course. She facilitated relaxed and informative classes. We learned to go beyond the booklet and read intuitively. The classes were fun and I learned something new in each gathering. I still have some of her handouts to this day! I started reading Tarot professionally after taking her courses and attending her cartomancy book clubs. I still read Tarot to this day." - Jehey Vy
"I highly recommend Sharron, as I took her Tarot 101 class and the instruction booklet she gave was very detailed & thorough. The way Sharron taught the class was perfect, as she took the time to explain each card and what it meant. I also took her tea leaf reading class and it was amazing. Sharron explained everything in an easy to understand way, and is very knowledgeable on the topic. I highly recommend her! - Amanda Kell
"I have known Sharron for almost 10 years and have taken several of her courses, from Tarot, crystals, chakras, tea leaf reading and so many more than I can think of. What amazes me about Sharron, is her ability to connect the dots between all of these Arts, and how she awakens her students’ curiosity to delve deeper into themselves and outside of themselves, to to learn more. Not only is Sharron a fantastic teacher, but she is an authentic practitioner, who cares deeply for others and her craft." - Dana Ricci
Read testimonials from my other course: The Truth in the Tea Leaves!
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will I have access to the content?
You will have lifetime access to all the content, including the videos and live calls via Thinkific, the online platform for the course. You will also receive access to ALL new + upgraded content when the course is offered again in the future.
Is the course self-paced?
The course can be self-paced, as you have lifetime access to all the content. Thus, you don’t have to worry about meeting deadlines because there are none.
When will I receive access to the course?
The course goes live on Wednesday, March 6th at noon (PST). You'll receive access to the first module then! Thereafter, every Wednesday new content will be released at noon until July 3rd.
Are the classes live or recorded?
Both. You will have access to recorded videos on Thinkific. And, the live calls, which will give you an opportunity to connect with others, delve into the Court Cards + Elements, discuss sample readings, and ask me questions. The live calls will last 60 - 90 minutes. A replay will be uploaded to Thinkific within 24 hours!
Will there be a Facebook group for the course?
Yes! The Facebook group is a BONUS :) You'll be sent an email on March 6th letting you know the course is now live and a link for the private Facebook group where you'll be able to join in on the discussion, practice reading the court cards, and ask questions.
Can I sign up for the course if I don't have Facebook?
You don't need to join the Facebook group, as the course material is delivered via Thinkific, which includes discussion sections! However, I do recommend creating a temporary account on Facebook, so you can interact with the other people in the course and gain more practice. The Facebook group is NOT A REQUIRED component of the course.
What happens after I finish the course?
You will have the skills to confidently read the Court Cards without memorizing the meanings because you'll be able to intuit the message. You'll also have deeper connection to the Elements!
Do I need any supplies for the course?
You'll need a Tarot deck. If you don't have one yet, I highly recommend purchasing the Rider-Waite Smith Tarot deck.
Is the course suitable for absolute beginners?
Definitely! Novices are welcome :) In fact, it is the perfect place to start because the course will cover 16 cards exclusively. The Court Cards are the most difficult for novices and even those that have knowledge of the Tarot, so why not tackle the hardest bit firs? My plan is to teach the Major Arcana next in the Fall and the remaining 40 cards of the Winter.
Still have a question? Email me: [email protected]

Sharron Basanti
Course curriculum
Introduction - READ FIRST!
Schedule for Live Calls
My Story as a Tarot Seer. . .
{PDF} Tarot Straight UP Guide
Got Questions About the Course? Ask HERE!
WEEK 1: Connecting with the Medicine of YOUR Court and the Elements
{AUDIO} Before you start. . .
{AUDIO} The Elements Speak
{VIDEO} Meet the Court
{VIDEO} Working with the Significators of the COURT
{QUIZ} Discover WHAT Court Card Represents YOU!
{AUDIO} The Significance of Creating an Altar for the COURT and the ELEMENTS
{VIDEO} Crystal Medicine to Anchor
{VIDEO} Opening Ceremony: Creating Sacred Space to Ignite the Medicine
{Audio} Meditation
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
Test YOUR Knowledge
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: Introduction
WEEK 2: Page of Wands + Element of Fire
{AUDIO} Element of Fire: Honouring the Sacred Flame
{AUDIO} Immerse YOURSELF into the Medicine of Fire!
{PDF} Element of Fire Spread
{AUDIO} Meet the Page of Wands
{CHART} Elemental Associations for the Major Arcana
{PDF} Page of Wands Spread
{VIDEO} Significator Technique #1
{VIDEO} Crystal Allies and Remedies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
Test YOUR Knowledge
Share and ASK Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: Page of Wands
WEEK 3: Knight of Wands
{AUDIO + CHART} Meet the Knight of Wands
{PDF} Knight of Wands Spread
{VIDEO} Crystal Allies + Remedies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
Test YOUR Knowledge
Share and ASK Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: Knight of Wands
WEEK 4: Queen of Wands
{AUDIO} Meet the Queen of Wands
{PDF} Queen of Wands Spread
{VIDEO} Significator Technique #2 (Part I)
{VIDEO} Crystal Allies + Remedies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
Test YOUR Knowledge
Share and ASK Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: Queen of Wands
WEEK 5: King of Wands
{AUDIO} Meet the King of Wands
{PDF} King of Wands Spread
{AUDIO} Spin the Cosmic Wheel to Reveal YOUR Significators
{VIDEO} Significator Technique #2 (Part 2)
{VIDEO} Crystal Allies + Remedies
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
Test YOUR Knowledge
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: King of Wands
WEEK 6: Page of Cups + Element of Water
{AUDIO} Element of WATER: Trusting the Ebb & Flow
{AUDIO} Immerse YOURSELF into the Medicine of Water!
{PDF} Element of Water Spread
{AUDIO} Meet the Page of Cups
{PDF} Page of Cups Spread
{AUDIO} Crystal Allies + Remedies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
Romany + Moon Cycle Spreads
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
Test YOUR Knowledge
{VIDEO} Live Call: Page of Cups
WEEK 7: Knight of Cups
{AUDIO} Meet the Knight of Cups
{PDF} Knight of Cups Spread
{AUDIO} Crystal Allies & Remdies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
Test YOUR Knowledge
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: Knight of Cups
WEEK 8: Queen of Cups
{AUDIO} Meet the Queen of Cups
{PDF} Queen of Cups Spread
{AUDIO} Crystal Allies + Remedies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
Test YOUR Knowledge
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: Queen of Cups
WEEK 9: King of Cups
{AUDIO} Meet the King of Cups (Part 1)
{AUDIO} Meet the King of Cups (Part 2)
{PDF} King of Cups Spread
{AUDIO} Crystal Allies + Remedies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
Test YOUR Knowledge
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: King of Cups
WEEK 10: Page of Swords + Element of Air
{AUDIO} Element of AIR: Cherishing the Sacred Breath
{AUDIO} Immerse YOURSELF into the Medicine of Air!
{PDF} Element of Air Spread
{AUDIO} Meet the Page of Swords
{PDF} Page of Swords Spread
{AUDIO} Crystal Allies + Remedies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
{PDF} Celtic Cross Spread
{VIDEO} Celtic Cross + Significator
Test YOUR Knowledge
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: Page of Swords
WEEK 11: Knight of Swords
{AUIDO} Meet the Knight of Swords
{PDF} Knight of Swords Spread
{AUDIO} Crystal Allies & Remedies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
{VIDEO} Relationship Spread
{PDF} Relationship Spread with 2 Significators (Same Pile)
{PDF} Relationship Spread with 2 Significators (Seperate Pile)
Test YOUR Knowledge
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: Knight of Swords
WEEK 12: Queen of Swords
{AUDIO} Meet the Queen of Swords
{PDF} Queen of Swords Spread
{AUDIO} Crystal Allies + Remedies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
{VIDEO} Relationship Spread with 2 Significators in the Reversed Position
Test YOUR Knowledge
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: Queen of Swords
WEEK 13: King of Swords
Meet the King of Swords
{PDF} King of Swords Spread
{AUDIO} Crystal Allies + Remedies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
Test YOUR Knowledge
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: King of Swords
WEEK 14: Page of Pentacles + Element of Earth
{AUDIO} Element of EARTH: Honouring Life
{AUDIO} Immerse YOURSELF into the Medicine of Earth!
{PDF} Element of Earth Spread
{AUDIO} Meet the Page of Pentacles
{PDF} Page of Pentacles Spread
{PDF} Medicine of the Pages Worksheet for Live Call
{AUDIO} Crystal Allies + Remedies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
{PDF} Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
Test YOUR Knowledge
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: Page of Pentacles (Part 1)
{VIDEO} Live Call: Page of Pentacles (Part 2)
WEEK 15: Knight of Pentacles
{AUDIO} Meet the Knight of Pentacles
{PDF} Knight of Pentacles Spread
{PDF} Worksheet for Live Call: Medicine of the Knights
{AUDIO} Crystal Allies + Remedies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
{SAMPLE READING + PRACTICE} Knight of Pentacles
Test YOUR Knowledge
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: Knight of Pentacles
WEEK 16: Queen of Pentacles
{AUDIO} Meet the Queen of Pentacles
{PDF} Queen of Pentacles Spread
{PDF} Worksheet for Live Call: Medicine of the Queens
{AUDIO} Crystals Allies + Remedies
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
{AUDIO} Meditation
{SAMPLE READING + PRACTICE} Queen of Pentacles
Test YOUR Knowledge
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: Queen of Pentacles
WEEK 17: King of Pentacles
{AUDIO} Meet the King of Pentacles
{PDF} King of Pentacles Spread
{PDF} Worksheet for Live Call: Medicine of the Kings
{AUDIO} Crystal Allies + Remedies
{AUDIO} Meditation
{AUDIO} Earth Medicine Journey
Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
Test YOUR Knowledge
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
{VIDEO} Live Call: King of Pentacles
WEEK 18: Weaving the Medicine of the COURT
{VIDEO} Closing Ceremony: Holding Space for the Medicine to Flourish
{PDF} Cosmic Wheel Spread
{VIDEO} Intuit the Energy of the Court Cards through Art
{PDF} Journal Inspiration to Delve Deeper
Check in! SHARE and Ask YOUR Questions HERE!
In-depth tarot course
Desiree Buitenkamp
This course is in-depth and widespread. Nowhere else have I found a course that really approaches all elements of the Tarot and highlights every possible sid...
Read MoreThis course is in-depth and widespread. Nowhere else have I found a course that really approaches all elements of the Tarot and highlights every possible side of a card or topic. Sharron is very involved and responds insightfully to every question there is. Even if you have a different view or opinion, Sharron is open to experience and discuss together and delve deeply into the matter with you. Because the course is divided into modules, it never feels like too much information or too much to understand. All content is supplied in well-arranged and in-depth parts. This allows you to follow everything well at your own pace, the live classes I find a great addition to the course despite that I have not yet participated. Looking back at the included classes is more than worth it and provides a lot of in-depth extra information. I can't wait for the in-depth course for the major Arcana in 2020 ....
Read Lessso many gifts!
Robin Beasley
Half way through the course and I am loving it all! Sharron is so generous with her knowledge. Amazing spreads are shared every week to help integrate all th...
Read MoreHalf way through the course and I am loving it all! Sharron is so generous with her knowledge. Amazing spreads are shared every week to help integrate all the information in the course. Sharron's tutorials are full of useful insights into the court cards and beyond. The live calls are a wonderful way to go deeper into the cards with Sharron in person as well as some amazing readers worldwide! This is the best course on the tarot I have come across, Sharron is a gifted teacher.
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